Calls for Tenders and SEAO-Constructo
Visit the SEAO website at the link below for any information about
the bid solicitations we submit and the selection of bidders.
The municipality must publish on its website the list of contracts involving an expenditure
of more than $2,000 with a single contractor, entered during the last preceding complete fiscal year,
where the total of such contracts involves an expenditure of more than $25,000.
Expenditures of $2,000 exceeding
25,000 for a single supplier
Contracts of $25,000 or more
for the same supplier
Expenditures of $2,000 exceeding
25,000 for a single supplier
Contracts of $25,000 or more
for the same supplier
Expenditures of $2,000 exceeding
25,000 for a single supplier
Contracts of $25,000 or more
for the same supplier
Expenditures of $2,000 exceeding
25,000 for a single supplier
Contracts of $25,000 or more
for the same supplier