The SPA de l'Estrie is the organization chosen by the municipality to ensure compliance with municipal by-laws concerning animals, as well as to be available to citizens with or without pets.
Here is the list of services offered to Newport residents:
- Reception of lost, stray or abandoned dogs and cats;
- Custodian claims for lost dogs and cats;
- Receipt of dogs and cats belonging to citizens for which they wish to part with.
- Respond to nuisance complaints from citizens (barking, dogs running at large, bites, etc.);
- Issuance of statements of offence in accordance with municipal by-laws;
- 24/7 emergency service on call from police department;
- Monitoring of guarding standards imposed on guardians of biting dogs;
- Territory inspection and dog and cat census.
The Quebec government has implemented new regulations on the supervision of dogs and has delegated responsibility for its application to cities and municipalities throughout Quebec.
The municipality of Newport therefore delegates this responsibility, in addition to maintaining the services already in place such as the issuance of licenses for dogs and cats, to the Society for the Protection of Animals of Estrie.

In accordance with the municipal by-law, each citizen is responsible for registering his or her dogs with it. In addition, since March 3, 2020, the registration of all dogs in Quebec is mandatory under the Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the control of dogs.

USEFUL LINKS to the SPA Estrie website
to answer common questions


Serving the citizens
and the animals of Newport!
>> Some extracts from the MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS concerning animals (dogs and others).
https://spaestrie.qc.ca/nouvelles/nouvelle-reglementation-concernant-les-chiens/ (Sorry, this page exists only in french on the SPA website )
There are 2 easy ways to register your pet with the SPA de l'Estrie.
Article 213 - It is prohibited to leave an animal free outside the limits of the person's occupancy unit in the absence of the latter.
Article 214 - Any person who finds a stray or abandoned animal must, without delay, report it or return it to the Estrie SPA.
Article 215 - It is prohibited for a person to walk with his/her animal outside the boundaries of his/her occupancy unit without keeping the animal on a leash or otherwise assuming control and monitoring it at all times. In a public place and in a public square, the person must constantly keep his/her animal on a leash. If it is a dog, the following requirements are added: ➢ The leash must be a maximum length of 1.85 meters (6 ft); ➢ When its weight is 20 kilograms (44 lb) or more, the dog must wear a halter or harness attached to its leash.
Article 222 - The person in charge of an animal must immediately clean, by all appropriate means, any public place or any private property soiled by deposits of fecal matter left by the animal and must dispose of it in a hygienic manner. To this end, the person must have the necessary equipment in his/her possession.
Article 234 - ➢ The act of a dog barking or howling in such a way as to disturb the peace and quiet and to be a nuisance to one or more people; ➢ The act of a dog biting a person or an animal; ➢ The act of a dog attempting to bite a person or animal; ➢ It is prohibited for a person to allow his/her animal to cause damage to the property of others.
Consult the Règlement général municipal (MRC-HSF) 2023 (in french)