


Municipal and Other Services

Calendar of recycling and garbage collections

Note that this calendar also includes

the dates of City Council meetings.

Click on the image to your left to consult the calendar in PDF format.


20 rue Craig Sud


QC  J0B 1M0



1 Rue Main Nord


QC  J0B 3A0


La Patrie

18 Rue Principale Sud

La Patrie

QC J0B 1Y0



570 Main Street


QC  J0B 1J0


The population of Newport is served by the Post Offices of :

CLSC - Medical Clinic

The population of Newport is served by the

CLSC of Cookshire

700, rue Craig Nord, Cookshire-Eaton, QC J0B 1M0

819  875-3373

Centre des femmes du Haut-Saint-François  -  La Passerelle

«La Passerelle» is a dynamic resource where women of all ages, living in diverse situations, meet, learn, discuss, get enthusiastic and act collectively to improve the lives of women.

Services: - Individual follow-ups - Group meetings

- Awareness workshops - Mobilization - Computers

Please note that transportation is available for women who need it.

873-825-7060 - Toll free 877-447-3423 - email :

275, rue Principale est Cookshire-Eaton -- website :

2 Community Centers

Centre communautaire OTJ  (previously the catholic church in St-Mathias-de-Bonneterre)

2035, Route 210, Newport, QC  J0B 3A0

Centre communautaire Lawrence (previously the anglican church in Lawrence)

449, chemin Lawrence, Newport, QC  J0B 1M0


The safety of citizens and property is provided by the Sûreté du Québec.

Cookshire Police Station : 440, rue Craig Nord, Cookshire, QC

819  875-3331

Fire protection

Agglomeration with Cookshire-Eaton assumes fire protection

on the territory of the Municipality of Newport.

2 Recreation Parks

One park in Island Brook-Lawrence and

one park in St-Mathias-de-Bonneterre.

Écocentre of the MRC du Haut-Saint-François

Click on the image to your left to consult the document in PDF format.

The Ecocentre reopens for the 2022 season from April 4th to Nov. 5th.

( Document in french )

Meals on wheels (Frozen Homemade Meals)

( Centre d'action bénévole du HSF )

Click on the image to your left to consult the menu.

All the information you need! The menu and cooking methods.

You can print this document and fill it in to place your order... You can also order online on the CAB website at :


Newsletter about

Composting with the brown bin,

Mobile ecocenter & Large waste, etc.